Congratulations to 3rd Hastings who opened the latest Squirrel 🐿️ drey in the district this week! Well done to all involved!

The team said:
Peanut, Tinkerbell, Hazelnut, Skittles, Coconut, Cashew, Walnut & Butternut.... sounds a little like an exotic recipe or shopping list to the untrained ear, but believe it or not, these are the names of our amazing volunteers who welcomed our brand new squirrels to the 3rd Hastings Drey on Tuesday.
10 new young people got stuck in with songs, games & crafts as they started their Squirrel journey.
It was crazy, fun, loud and exciting as we got to know each and every one of them.
We cannot wait to greet them all again next week and share some of the exciting adventures we have planned.

Ready to start your Adventure?